Euer Instruktor Cyrille MARON
37 Jahren, 15 jahren Erfahrung
Besitzer der Firma RAFTING.CH in Genf
Dranse de Savoie cl.4
The Organisation Table of the WRF
Technicians (1)
The WRF’s classification of River Guide

• Class II River Guide (associated with the Assistant Coach):
allowed to practice only on rivers of class II difficulty.
• Class III River Guide:
allowed to practice only on rivers of maximum class III difficulty
• Class IV/A River Guide:
allowed to practice rivers of class IV and above difficulty.
• Instructor:
River Guide class IV/A, allowed to coach, teach and train in river guide courses,
according to the National and WRF Training Programme.
The WRF’s classification of Coach
• Assistant Coach (associated with the class II River Guide):
gives assistance and technical support to the coach. The Assistant Coach is not autonomous and works in the conduct of training activities, technical training and assistance to competitions under the supervision of a coach.
• Coach: has full operational autonomy. He can operate and plan autonomously activities with athletes and participants of any age, competitors or not. He works with athletes at regional or national level. He usually works in small structures or in articulated staff of larger sports clubs.
They may be in charge of non-complex tasks of supervision and coordination of assistant coaches.
• Head Coach: works with athletes of the highest competitive level and/or with maximum practical experience. He operates at significant levels of complexity, taking care of the design, even in the long term, of the activities related to the training, the teaching and the competition for athletes and teams of high qualification who can compete up to the highest national and international levels.
• Federal Senior Coach: is a Head Coach and an Instructor. The Federal Senior Coach is the highest qualification in the WRF Training Programme. He is a very high-level technician of the federal discipline and is responsible of the Training Programme of the coaches and athletes for his own Federation. He builds his team to train the best athletes (performance optimization in all areas: image management, physical and mental preparation, dietetics, time management,
tactics, etc.). He supervises the work of the coaches of the national rafting teams. The Federal Senior is responsible of the respect and the application of the WRF Rules in the Rafting.
1 According the WRF Technical Rules for River Guide and Coach.
WRF Training Guide Programme Commission – v2021.1 8/44
Federation he belongs to, and is a guarantor of the application of the Anti-Doping rules and regulations.
All the river rafting guides should have the skills of an assistant coach and get this qualification.
The Training Programme of a river rafting guide of class II includes the training as an assistant coach.
Specific separate trainings for assistant coach can be organised by the national bodies for the river guides in order to obtain this qualification, if not hold.
The educational pathway for Coaches and River guides over the first level of guide classII/assistant coach is separated, there is no direct connection between the training of different levels of coach and river guide.
The WRF Federal Senior Coach owns the highest qualifications on both fields, competition and recreational.
To print WRF Training Programme click here