Règlements de compétitions WRF
Sport Rules – 21 April 2021 (clean) – R-1
Art. 8 – Participation
1. Participation is allowed for registered men and women, divided into categories, as set out
in the following paragraph.
2. Athletes are divided by age into the following categories:
a. Junior: athletes aged fifteen to nineteen in the year of reference. The Under 19 crew
is made up exclusively of people belonging to this age group. Athletes in the Under
19 categories, can compete, both as single athletes and as a complete crew, in the
Under23 or Senior category. It remains clear that, no matter their age, when
participating in a competition in the Under23 or Senior category, all athletes will be
classified in this category. Athletes belonging to this category can compete only on
natural rivers of maximum class III difficulty. They can compete also on artificial and
semi-artificial venues of maximum class IV difficulty.
b. Under 23: athletes aged fifteen to twenty-three in the year of reference. The Under
23 crew is made up exclusively of people belonging to this age group. Athletes in the
under-23 category, can compete, both as single athletes and as a complete crew, in
the Senior category. It remains clear that, no matter their age, when participating in
a competition in the Senior category, all athletes will be classified in this category.
c. Senior: athletes aged fifteen to seventy-five in the year of reference.
d. Master: athletes aged thirty-five to seventy-five in the year of reference. Only
athletes belonging to this age group can participate in this category.
3. The crews of the Under 19, Under 23, Senior and Master categories can be male, female or
mixed. It is intended for female crew that composed only of women. In the competitions
referred to in the art. 3.1, Class A) and B), except for the Continental Cups, it is intended for
male crew that composed only of men.
4. Mixed crews are only allowed to compete in the R4 category and consists of 2 male athletes
and 2 female athletes according to categories referred to Art. 8.2.
5. The crews must be numerically composed of 4 athletes for R4 category rafts, or 6 athletes
for R6 category rafts, distributed by age groups and with the aforementioned limitations.
Art. 9 – Technical clothing and individual safety equipment
1. Every single member of the crew must wear the following clothing in good and perfect
working condition:
a) Technical clothing
a.1 If the water is above 8-degree Celsius:
• at least one capilene/lycra for the chest (long or short sleeve);
• neoprene short.
a.2 If the water is below 8- degree Celsius:
• splash jacket (short or long sleeve);
• Capilene/lycra for the chest;
• Neoprene pants.
b) Mandatory security equipment
b.1 Personal Floating Device: each member of the crew must wear a buoyancy aid jacket
of appropriate size to the body.
b.1.1 have a floatation of at least 50 N for all sizes;
b.1.2 no inflatable buoyancy devices are allowed;
b.1.3 have not undergone any changes and is in good working condition;
b.2 Helmet: each crew member must wear a protective helmet well secured to the head.
Helmets shall:
b.2.1 be labeled with the industrial standard « HELMET FOR WHITEWATER
SPORT » e.g. EN1385;
b.2.2 not have undergone any changes and in good condition;
b.3 hard-soled and closed shoes.
Art. 10 – The Chief Judge
2. At least one crew member must carry a flip-line no shorter than 3 meters, a knife, a whistle
and a throwline no shorter than 15 meters. The throwline can also be secured to the boat.
On board of any boats other than the packraft there must be a reserve paddle, except for
slalom and RX competitions where is optional.
3. Clothing and equipment requirements can vary depending on the water temperature and
the level of difficulty of the river where the race takes place. In this case the organizing
committee is obliged to specify the recommended individual technical equipment and
clothing in the event bulletin following the minimum given in the art. 9.1.
4. Each crew, before departure, must ensure that each single component of the equipment
complies with the provisions of the previous paragraphs and each one is responsible for its
correct maintenance throughout the duration of the race.
1. The Chief Judge is appointed by the competent WRF body and, leaning on th